Protect your landscape and conserve water.
A broken 1 1/2'' PVC pipe running at 50 psi will discharge over 10,000 gallons in 30 minutes or over 168,000 gallons running for 8 hours

A CST flow sensor connected to a smart controller can sense a broken pipe, stuck zone valve or run-over sprinkler head. The smart controller can close a master valve, stopping the water loss and notify you by email or text.
Save time, labor and money by installing a flow sensor on every irrigation job.
Flow sensor models and sizes to fit every sprinkler system and smart controller may be purchased through our distribution network. Call, text, email or fill out the form below with your questions about products, applications or technical assistance.
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Creative Sensor Technology flow sensors have been engineered specifically for service in the harsh underground, often wet, electrically unstable environment of irrigation service. We detect flow with impeller technology because it is best suited for this application. Our impeller technology has proven to be practical, reliable, and cost effective. The impeller, the single moving part is self- cleaning, aids in troubleshooting and requires no more maintenance than other technologies with no moving parts. Like the solenoid operated diaphragm valve, that has been used for 75 years, the impeller sensor is still the best technology for irrigation service.